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This is so exciting! Weekend Craft has been nominated for a Liebester Award by Glenna and Becky over at My Paper Craze! Now this is so exciting because a blog can only be nominated by fellow blogger to recognize small, up and coming blogs. Do you know what’s even more exciting?! Weekend Craft now gets to nominate 11 other blogs! How fun!

So here are the questions Glenna & Becky have asked of me from My Paper Craze!

  1. Why did you decide to start a blog?
    I graduated from grad school and found myself living at home but also working from home. I was underemployed taking freelance graphic design here and there but mostly working on finding that perfect post grad dream job. Needless to say I had alot of time on my hands. I started upcycling. Buying furniture at thrift stores and refinishing them, making chalkboards from old cabinet doors. This led to craft fairs on the weekends and constantly being asked about my projects from friends and family. This is when I decided why not. Let’s share this the world and see if anyone will actually read it! And they did.
  2. Is blogging your obsession or your hobby?
    Being relatively new at blogging (only started this venture in August) I would have to say it started out as a hobby and has now become an obsession. I come every night from work wanting to start my next project. I am at the grocery store and end up taking a picture that I need to share. It is 100% always on my mind. 
  3. What is your greatest source of inspiration for your blog?
    I bet most will say Pinterest but for me its my family. We are all so creative and DIYers. I can’t remember a time that we have ever hired someone to come out and fix something growing up. Heck my Grandpa(s) and Dad put an addition on our house, built a garage, porch and Florida room. You don’t get much handier than that. Also working in a design field I find that I am always surrounded by creatives whether it is at work or friends. It may have helped that I went to art school 😉
  4. Do you plan your posts in advance or are you a spur-of-the-moment blogger?
    I am both! I carry around my content calendar everywhere I go. Do I always follow that calendar? Absolutely not but since I do work full time and run an etsy shop I find that planning is the only way I can get content out consistently. 
  5. If you could choose a blog-idol, who would it be?
    Its funny I have always been a huge fan of food blogs even though crafting is my “niche.” I have been following Pioneer Woman since the beginning along with Bakerella (the original cake pop goddess) and SkinnyTaste. On the crafting/upcycling side I idolize Miss Mustard Seed and appreciate and love the advice of Lauren Lanker from The Thinking Closet. I feel like her blog has been my bible of all things Silhouette. 
  6. What do you consider your biggest success so far as a blogger?
    The best day of my short lived blogging “career” was when I received an email that I was going to be featured on Country Living’s Website. 
  7. What has been your biggest obstacle?
    Trying to balance working 40-50 hours a week, freelancing on the side, running an etsy shop and trying to have a social life (this doesn’t happen often). It truly is a juggling act. I’d love to hear how others do it all!
  8. Is there anything you would change about your journey into blogging?
    I would’ve started blogging earlier! I think I am a happier and more inspired person since I have found this creative outlet. 
  9. Do you have any insight to share with those contemplating starting a blog?
    Just go for it! Really research what type of blog would work best for you (and it might not be wordpress). This may sound cliche but reach out to other bloggers and join blogging groups. When you find the right group everything just clicks and you learn so much on a daily (even hourly) basis from them (Shout out to my Silhouette Challenge Girls).
  10. What is your favorite activity (or non-activity) to relax?
    Relax?! What’s that? I honestly don’t relax enough. My DVR is almost always full and my to do list is always a mile long. I am not the type to sit still I am usually planning or looking for the next thing to do. But I have been trying lately to spend at least one day a week with my best friend and god daughter.
  11. What do you envision for your blog in 10 years?
    Wow I hope I am still consistently blogging in ten years and that blogs are still around and popular. I have been throwing around the idea of opening up a shop that is upcycled furniture, crafting and a boutique design studio. Who knows maybe I will have a shop and be blogging full time! That’s the dream. 

11 Random Facts About Me

 Photo Credit Ho Yin Au Photography
Photo Credit Ho Yin Au Photography
  1. I am born and raised in Massachusetts but secretly am southern girl in my heart. Georgia why did I leave!
  2. I am the pickiest eater you will ever meet. I don’t even eat chicken. 
  3. My favorite color is teal. It actually might just be borderline obsessive.  I tend to paint everything teal.
  4. I have a Masters Degree in Design Management from Savannah College of Art and Design. 
  5. I have a cat named Ginger. He is the love of my life and I’m ok being that crazy cat lady at 26. 
  6. I am the youngest of three. 
  7. I grew up in the epitome of a small town…and loved every minute of it. 
  8. I went to a vocational school and started studying graphic design when I was 14. Best decision I have ever made. 
  9. I have lived in both London and France. Would move back in a minute. 
  10. I work in Social Media and am also completely glued to all social networks personally.  Needless to say I am on social 24/7 if your looking for me. 
  11. Family is everything to me and the reason I moved back to Massachusetts.

My 11 Blog Nominations for the Liebster Award! 

What makes this award so fun is the fact that I get to make 11 nominations. Now this was hard I love and interact with so many blogs on a daily basis. ake sure to check out and send some love to these blogs. 

  1. Trisha at Black and White Obsessions
  2. Gabby at Essentially Eclectic 
  3. Sharon at Bringing Creativity to Life
  4. Heather at The Frill of Life
  5. Meredith at UnoriginalMom
  6. Jessica at Cutesy Craft
  7. Courtney at Crafts by Courtney
  8. Joyce at Peace Love and Joyce
  9. Rachel at Architecture of a Mom
  10. Lisa at Mabey She Made it
  11. Holly from McCall Manor

Eleven Questions for these eleven blogs.

  1. What is your blogging niche?
  2. If you could get rid of one trend/fad what would it be and why?
  3. If you could spend a day with one blogger who would it be?
  4. What has been your biggest blog success so far.
  5. Where do you see your blog in 5 years?
  6. What is your favorite movie?
  7. If you could Freaky Friday (switch places) with one blogger who would it be with?
  8. If you were given $500 to use towards a blog post what project would you complete?
  9. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you move?
  10. What’s your current obsession (crafting, makeup, food anything)?
  11. Mac or PC? Silhouette or Cricut? iphone or Droid? What are your brand loyalties?

Can’t wait to learn more about some of my favorite bloggers! Stay tuned.

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About Michelle Beaton

Welcome to Weekend Craft. Life is busy so I am all about getting projects done on the weekend, whether it be crafts, DIY, home decor, or crafting with your Cricut.

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